New Awaken the Oracle Within Website

Schamet Horsfield has passed the torch of the Awaken the Priestess Within website and Priestess Training to Malinda Starr. She will be doing all the Priestess Training from now on.

If you are interested in Awaken the Oracle Within Training, please visit

"An oracle is a person or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions, most notably including precognition of the future, inspired by deities. As such, it is a form of divination. An Oracle is a channel for the sacred divine."

  • Would you like to feel connected to your higher self and spirit guides, trust your intuition, and receive clear guidance from within to help you navigate your life and support those you care about?
  • Are you ready to align to your soul path purpose so that you can serve your life path purpose?
  • Are you ready to take your intuition to the next level?
  • Would you like to learn how to use Oracle Cards?

  • All of this is available to you, and it starts with one crucial step: Awakening the Oracle Within you so that you can develop crystal-clear Intuition and trust your internal navigation system.

From Wounds to wisdom and wisdom to superpowers...Awaken your Oracle Within with Schamet Horsfield

Our Intuition is our internal navigation system (INS). When we listen clearly and trust our inner guidance system, we can co-create the most abundant life possible.

Having this internal navigation system clear and working optimally and highly functioning can change your life and be your biggest game-changer on all levels.

My Internal Navigation System has repeatedly saved me from making poor choices. My intuition has also saved my life and the lives of my loved ones.

My Intuition has guided me to know what houses to buy and which ones not to buy, places to live, countries to move to, relationships to start or end, decisions to make, soul work to channel & birth, and the list goes on and on and on.

My Intuition has helped me make numerous decisions that have helped guide myself and my clients.

Intuition is the cornerstone of consciously creating your most abundant life.

I will also address why we do not listen to our intuition and how resistance archetypes can get in the way, and I will provide tools to help with this.

If we have a lot of childhood trauma, then we can see through a trauma lens of perception, which can cloud our clear site.

We will learn more about how beliefs can affect our clear vision, and I will teach tools to clear and heal your vision so that you can see and feel through a crystal-clear intuition and not through a lens of trauma and distortion.

I would like to meet Schamet for a clarity call
Yes, I want to register for the training!

Is the Oracle Awakening in you?

"Intuition is the cornerstone of being able to consciously create your most abundant life."

Your Intuition is your internal navigation system. (Think of it as your GPS.) When we can listen clearly and trust our internal guidance system we truly have the power to co-create the most abundant life of our dreams. Having this internal navigation system clear, and working in an optimum and highly functioning way can be the biggest game-changer for you on all levels. All of this is available to you and it starts with one important step: Awakening the Oracle Within you so that you can develop crystal-clear Intuition and trust your internal navigation system.

I created this FREE guidebook for you so you can find out if the Oracle is Awakening in you?

Yes, I would like the free Awaken the Oracle Within guidebook!
Yes! I would like to sign up for the 7-week Awaken the Oracle Within Intuition & Psychic Development Training
so that I can be a clear channel as I am ready to develop crystal-clear intuition.

Are you ready to align yourself to your particular brand of magic, claim your psychic superpowers, and trust your inner guidance system?

Awaken the Oracle Within with Schamet Horsfield

Learn tools to clear the psychic channels, heal the energetic trauma lens, and develop crystal-clear intuition with Wounds-to-Wisdom Oracle Schamet Horsfield.

  • Learn how to align and listen to your intuition
  • Learn about the different Psychic Centers that govern Intuition.
  • Learn clairvoyant tools to open/close and clear your intuitive channels
  • Receive guidance, support, and counsel about all subjects, intuitive and psychic.
  • Practice time within the psychic playground together as a group
  • Learn more about how to use oracle cards and a pendulum for divination.
  • Receive direct guidance about how you receive intuitive information
  • Learn more about chakras and your energy field.
  • Learn how to work with your dreams and symbols.
  • Learn tools and receive intuitive guidance from your higher self and spirit guides.
  • Connect with your angels, guardians, guides, and ancestors.
  • Learn more about your gifts and how to use them
  • Learn how to clear your energy and protect your energy field
  • Learn more about your aura and psychic boundaries
  • Align to your soul path purpose
YES! I want to  Awaken the Oracle Within & become a clear channel!

What is included in the 7-week training:

  • 7 Live Awaken the Oracle Within activation calls (all calls recorded).
  • One private 90-minute 1:1 session to support the Awakening of your intuition and psychic abilities with Schamet Horsfield
  • Video lectures & guided practices with videos, audio recordings, and the Awaken the Oracle Within guidebook.
  • A private FB group where we can share, bond, and engage in the Global Awaken the Priestess Within Sisterhood
  • Awaken the Oracle Within will give you a foundational understanding of your intuition, psychic superpowers, and clairvoyant gifts.

When does the next Awaken the Oracle Within Training Start?

July 28th-September 8th, 2024

Schamet lives in New Zealand, and because this is an international course, please check time zone conversions here for your local time.

Coming soon...

Awaken the Oracle Within Circle  

Develop your Intuition and Psychic Abilities with a group of like-minded intuitive souls!

Join the waitlist for the monthly Awaken the Oracle Within Circles.

This will be a monthly subscription where we will get together and practice all things woo-woo and magical!

Yes, I am interested in joining the Awaken the Oracle Within Circle
Join the Awaken the Oracle Within FB group!

Are you ready to align yourself to your own particular brand of magic, claim your psychic superpowers, and trust your own inner guidance system?

Testimonial Reviews from those who have worked with Schamet.

My Chakra healing with Schamet was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life so far..she is a truly wonderful soul..I have swept along on a journey of love and mind was cleared..I was grounded and lifted to a calm place and this amazing woman fixed my broken wings and inspired me to be strong..the healing room has one of the best backdrops of the Wellington coastline...I recommend this to everybody..the best spiritual counseling you will ever have..Thank you for sharing your special powers with me..blessed be xx💟💟~Jane Carey~Goddess: Warrior Goddess and Carer of Souls

Schamet is a star pick and top of her class, as a life coach, a love coach, and a healer. She is a woman that walks her talk and her power is far-reaching. She legitimately does distance healing (which I used to be skeptical about). After one session I felt like years of confusion and pain washed off me. She is a gentle empathetic listener, and she is a strong warrior willing to tell you the truth and help you bring your spirit alive with power. Schamet knows how to handle the delicacy of your heart, while also helping you manage your mindset. I kid you not when I say I felt as if a backpack full of heavy stones were removed from my body and soul. I've waited ten years to finally find someone to help support me with the right balance of mind/body/spirit. If you want a top-notch coach who will help you navigate your energy, heart, and mind, Schamet is the one. Get a hold of her before she has a huge waiting list. 

Thank you Schamet!

~Dawn Montefusco Transformational Writing Coach 

I've literally just come out of a session with this bright and brilliant Priestess, and I am deeply grateful for the work I have just been able to do in her sacred container. I call her a Priestess because of where and what she can access. I have carried this wound for so long swaddled deep inside me. I was so unaware of the power this wound had in my life. I already knew there was really nothing 3D that would benefit me. I have been trying to reclaim this part of myself for years. This work could only be done in me with someone who could make multidimensional connections. Guide me to the stellar truth and bring the work and the messages from these higher dimensions. Her love is vast and transmissive, her heart is a golden open gate. She has the power to bring new awareness to you so sweetly, that your whole self runs to embrace it. Schamet held me as sacred, she fearlessly moved with my vivid imagination in guiding me to the new place, new thought, and new belief. I needed to hear something new, and what I received has caused a rebirth in me. My eternal thanks Schamet.


Rachel Rose Little Crow: Priestess & Oracle

Schamet is truly a divine Goddess and provided me with insight and compassionate understanding in a loving, honoring space. The healing I received was much more than expected - it was a bouquet of loveliness! With psychic guidance, an exploration of my chakras reveals my strengths and provides practical dietary guidance to allow my solar plexus chakra to shine. I highly recommend her workshops and healing sessions 

~Maria Davey Counselor/Healer

Schamet's intuition is spot on. I had a session with her regarding meeting my soul mate, something I've been at work on for a long time. She honed in immediately on some past trauma. After 1 hour with her, I felt as if something had untangled. I felt clearer about what I wanted as if he was right there beside me. And shortly after, I met him. I highly recommend working with Schamet. 

Leanne Babcock: Coach/Speaker/Author

Testimonial Reviews for Schamet Horsfield

This session about clearing beliefs with Schamet was very special and I had the feeling that I was guided back to myself, and therefore find the answers within myself. That I connected to my core and my gift. A very profound and beautiful experience. Schamet sees very deeply. There are details a coach needs to see that determine success or failure in the coaching process. Schamet sees these details.

In our last coaching session, I felt so seen and understood by her, that my unconscious mind showed me the answer to a question that I'd been searching for a long time - an answer about my calling. When I saw the answer, that I was so scared about, I discovered, that there is nothing to be afraid of. Thank you, Schamet! Markus Hasenauer~Anxiey Coach

I am writing this in complete awe of my experience both personally and professionally with Schamet. I have worked with Schamet as a client and colleague. From my experience, Schamet is one the most heart-centered, authentic human beings I have ever met let alone worked within the professional space of light work and healing. She is extremely intuitive and does everything in her power to serve the greater good of humanity, even if it’s very risky and hard work on her end. Her devotion to this work inspires not just me but many who have worked with her. In my private healing session, I had with her, she helped me transform my life just by that one session in helping me realize the truth I have been hiding from and supporting me along the way in staying true to my soul purpose. Schamet always goes above and BEYOND for her clients and colleagues she works with. Therefore HIGHLY recommend working with her on either spectrum. I cannot thank this woman enough for supporting my growth and transforming my life in such a short amount of time.

- Vanessa Simpson, Founder of Fifth Dimension Therapy, Spiritual Teacher & Coach, Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner

Schamet is an amazing healer, coach, and Goddess

She has a wide array of knowledge that can help any client because studied with so many teachers and mentors. And more importantly, she has so much passion to help people.

I am so inspired by her vision and leadership skills to create an amazing Summit with important figures in our lifetime.

After working with her on a Summit, I can say I highly recommend her for any service she offers.

Michelle Shinigawa~Reiki Master Teacher & Relationship Coach

Schamet is an intuitive and powerful practitioner! She has a gentle way of asking questions that gets to the real pain that I'm experiencing and then helps me explore ways to heal it that works for me. The one thing I love most about Schamet is the way she supports and comforts me. I never feel that I am alone in feeling my emotions - no matter if they are heavy or light. She's with me EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

Bryn Bowersock: Sacred Depths Life Coach

I want to do a shout-out to Schamet an amazing guide and coach who also happens to be a Priestess. She expertly guided me through two very difficult topics. She blew me away with the deep heart space she held and her skill at sitting rock solid while in the fire with me. I highly recommend her to anyone wishing to navigate challenges and expansion in their life.

Nina Powell: Wild Divine Orgasmic Guide

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the United States and I'm grateful for you Schamet!

Thank you for your heart full of love and for the effort you've put in creating the 'Awaken the Sacred Divine Wild Woman Retreat'. It was 'magical'!!

Thank you for being you and being in my life... from distance, yet so close to my heart!

You're so special and so precious to Mother Earth and all of us.

Dimitra Tiamouri: Healer & Oracle

I would like to book a complimentary clarity connection call with Schamet Horsfield

Schamet Horsfield is an Oracle, Chakra Teacher/Healer, Transformational Practitioner, Intuitive & clairvoyant Coach, Spiritual Midwife, Priestess, Guide, and tree-hugging lover of Planet Earth.

Schamet has been successfully manifesting her most abundant life for over 30 years and has the "superpower" to see and feel into the chakras & the shadow.

Schamet facilitates healing, balancing, and clearing and helps her clients decode their energy blocks and self-limiting beliefs so they can be more aware and experience transformational healing, which can allow them to manifest an abundant life on all levels.

Schamet works with clients privately online and teaches Intuitive and Psychic development courses, Conscious Creation Courses, and her Awakening the Oracle Within Training.

Book a Clarity Call with Schamet Horsfield
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