Awaken the Priestess Within - ​Level 1
Priestess Training

The transformative power of working with Goddess Archetypes

"Would you like to learn powerful transformative tools for the Priestess Path that will energetically deepen your own spiritual practice as well as your client's transformation?"

  • An Introduction to Tools for the Priestess Path.
  • Introduction to Ceremony, Ritual, and New Paradigm Magic.
  • Introduction to the transformative power of working with Goddess Archetypes.
  • Are you ready to transform your wounds into wisdom and your wisdom into your superpowers?
  • Transform fear into excitement.
  • Transform guilt into a passionate purpose.
  • Transform shame into personal power.
  • Transform anger into passionate purpose and aligned action.
  • Transform grief into compassion.
  • Re-write the story of your life so it is working for you & not against you.
  • Learn leadership and facilitation tools in order to hold a safe and sacred space for your own circles and group facilitation.

Awaken the Priestess Within

Level 1 Tools for the

Priestess Path

Awaken. Align. Transform & Shine.

Are you ready to Awaken the Priestess within and Align to your Priestess Path?

Level 1: Tools for the Priestess Path online Priestess Power Activation Sacred Ceremonial 7-week journey will give you the foundational understanding to walk the path of the priestess.

This training will give you an introduction to the transformative power of working with Ritual, Ceremony, and Archetypal Energies of the Goddess in order for you to have deep, Soulful, and transformative alchemy with your own spiritual practice and your tools for deeper transformation with your soul clients.

You can join the waitlist for the next cohort and we will let you know when we open the inner sanctuary to a small and aligned group of Goddesses that are ready to transform their wounds into wisdom and their wisdom into their superpowers as well as align to their soul path purpose and serve humanity in a deeper way.

Join the waitlist

Awaken the Priestess Within

Level 1 Training

Tools for the Priestess Path

7-Week foundational Journey through the Goddess Archetypes for healing and transformation.

YOUR energetic wellness is your wealth and to bring in abundance on all levels you must clear out anything that is holding you back from achieving your dreams.

This Priestess training works from the ground up. 

We root down in order to rise.

This is a 7-week foundational level 1 New Paradigm Priestess Training which will give you an understanding of the new paradigm priestess path and Goddess archetypes and how you can work with these energies for healing and deepening your work with your soul clients.

This is a deeply transformative training that will help guide and align you to your soul path purpose, develop your gifts & bring healing to yourself, your family, your community, & the world.

This training is for you if... 

  • You know you are here for a reason & you are ready to step into your purpose.
  • You want to align with your soul path purpose & bring your gifts to the world.
  • You have been on your own self-healing journey & you feel you want support, sisterhood, more tools, and are ready for expansion & are ready to up-level.
  • You are ready to let go of anything that is holding you back from the magic inside that is alive & awakening inside of you.
  • You are ready to dive deep into the Sacred Depths of your soul and align fully with your particular brand of magic.
  • You are ready for true and lasting transformation and are prepared to commit to doing the soul work to make that happen.
  • You are ready to make a positive impact in the world & be part of the solution.
  • You are ready to develop, trust & channel your intuitive, empathic, & psychic abilities.
  • You are ready to awaken your authentic voice & develop the message you have to share with the world.
  • You are ready to discover your soul path purpose & have crystal clear clarity of why you are here so you can help serve others.
  • You are ready to step powerfully into your leadership & become unstoppable.
  • You are craving a community of supportive women who will walk beside you as you are cocooning and undergoing your metamorphosis and you yearn for a trusted & sacred global sisterhood to rise together along your awakening journey...
  • You are ready to live a magical life supported by the seasons, cycles, and energetics of this powerful Mother Gaia & the cosmos which can prevent burnout & support energy levels.
  • You would like to learn more about the goddess and embody & integrate this energy for empowerment, alternative healing, & deeper connection.
  • You are committed to transforming your wounds into wisdom and your wisdom into your superpowers!
  • You are ready to own your own journey & be the victor and not the victim of your reality.
  • You would like a grounded foundational understanding and overview of how to bring your spiritual gifts to the world.
  • This training is not for you if you want someone else to heal you or fix you. I believe you are whole and complete as you are. This training will give you tools to heal yourself and awaken to the powerful New Paradigm Priestess within you.
Please put me on the waitlist for the Awaken the Priestess Within  Level 1 Priestess Training.

Awaken the Priestess Within Soul Practitioner Training

Awaken the Priestess Within

Awaken the Priestess Within is a comprehensive Mind, Body, Spirit integrated Journey that will give you a deep foundational understanding of Ritual, Ceremony, Energy Alchemy, and the transformative power of working with Archetypes, the Oracle, Intuition, the healing arts, & the path of conscious co-creation with the Goddess to powerfully walk the path of the New Paradigm Priestess.

Awaken. Align. Transform. Shine.

Awaken to your soul path purpose so you can share your gifts with your friends, family, community, & the world

"The medicine is always love and every time we choose it, the healing cycle happens over and over again, bringing us into alignment with the awakened energy inside us.

Don Miguel Ruiz

Learn to harvest wisdom whenever it presents itself without prejudice, in the process you will discover inner harmony residing peace and a strong sense of balance

Awaken the Priestess Within Level 1

Online New Paradigm Priestess Training - ​Level 1

Training Includes:

  • 7 Priestess Activation Live Coaching Calls.
  • All calls are recorded.
  • Online access to Online Priestess Mystery School Platform (your private online priestess portal).
  • Introduction to the Priestess Path. Rites, Rituals, Ceremony.
  • Access to the Awaken the Priestess Within private FB global sisterhood support group.
  • ​​One private 1:1 session with Schamet Horsfield will give you personal 1:1 support upon your transformational journey.
  • ​​Guardian Angel Soul Coaching Partner.
  • Guest Mentor Videos in Members Online Mystery School.
  • Become part of our Global Priestess Community.
Learn More

Desert Starr Retreat

Desert Starr is a beautiful all-inclusive private to semi-private Healing Retreat. Located in the desert foothills of the Catalina Mountains in Tucson Arizona. Designed for you to take a scared pause, quieting your mind and relaxing your body, invigorating your senses, and connecting deeply to the true essence of who you are. Through sacred Ceremony & Rituals, Healing Modalities, Sound Healing Baths, Activations, Meditations, Cacao Ceremonies & Oracle Readings. Creating space to Awaken, Transform, and Connect to the God/Goddess within you.

The New Paradigm Priestess is a channel of the sacred divine feminine energy & serves in order to bring this healing to herself, her family, & to her community.

She is an unstoppable force of nature.

A New Paradigm Priestess lives her life as she chooses & in balance with the seasons, moon cycles, & is in tune with her own emotional seasons.

She is wild, free & creates her own rules.

She is here to consciously co-create the New Paradigm.

A New paradigm priestess is imaginative and brings beauty & magic to the mundane. She is highly intuitive, a sensitive yet powerful soul & knows deep within her bones she came here to this planet for a reason & a purpose.

A New Paradigm Priestess is a heart-based, joyful, & loving Sacred Divine Feminine Leader & she serves with loving-kindness in order to lead the heart-led awakening of humanity into the new paradigm

Book a clarity connection call with Malinda Starr to learn more about the New Paradigm Priestess Path.

Awaken the Priestess Within

Tools for the Priestess Path.

​The Invitation & INITIATION

The seven-week Awaken the Priestess Within Priestess Level 1 training will give you a foundational understanding of the tools for New Paradigm Priestess Path.

This Online Priestess Training is for women and men who wish to go deeper, & commit fully to your spiritual path, heal the shadows of wounds, and traumas and rise up from the ashes like the phoenix in order to serve the greater good in your life and have a deeper connection within, with nature and with sharing your unique brand of magic with the world.

New Paradigm PRIESTESS

You may feel that you have already walked the path of the priestess, priestess path for many lifetimes and there is a deepening of the priestess's path in this lifetime. You may have never considered or heard of this pathway but are now feeling a deep calling to learn more.

No matter where you are on your pathway it's always a good idea to sit in a circle of wise women in order to connect and deepen your spiritual practices as well as feel the support of like-minded spiritual beings on the planet that are here to change the world. As the Goddess calls us to serve in the awakening of consciousness upon this planet many of us are being called to awaken our intuition and see beyond the veil in order to truly serve in consciously creating the new paradigm.

Consciously creating the


The old paradigm is crumbling and it is time to awaken to the new paradigm. Many of us are awaking to the fact that it is no longer the time to sit back and watch from the sidelines, that we now must take action. This training is designed to prepare you for the birth pains and the awaken inside of you a new paradigm light leader who is ready to align with her life path purpose and take necessary action to consciously create a new paradigm that is sustainable so all beings on the planet can thrive.

Yes, I want to join the Awaken the Priestess Within waitlist

What is included in Level 1 Awaken the Priestess Within Initiation: Video recordings, Articles, Online live Priestess Power activation calls including ritual and ceremony, Private and Intimate Online FB Group / and messenger chat support in the sacred container, one 90-minute private 1:1 with Malinda Starr.

What is included

  • 7 Live Awaken the Priestess Within Power activation rituals and ceremonial calls (all calls recorded).
  • One private 90-minute 1:1 session.
  • Video lectures & guided practices with videos, audio recordings, and articles.
  • A private FB group where we can share, bond, and engage in the Global Awaken the Priestess Within Sisterhood.
  • The Awaken the Priestess training will give you a foundational understanding of the New Paradigm Priestess path, and Goddess archetypes, and give you tools to facilitate and hold safe and sacred space for yourself and the community you serve.

Meet Your New Paradigm Priestess Guide

I am superexcited to announce that we are now taking names for the waitlist for the next cohort of Priestesses! If you are interested in the Awaken the Priestess Within 7-week training please register for the waitlist below.

Malinda Starr

Hello, I am Malinda Starr!

I began my Spiritual Journey in 1994 attending many classes and seeking my own personal inner healing as I believe in order to guide others in their healing journey I must first know and understand the pathway to healing.

I have participated in multiple medicine ceremonies with Indigenous Tribes from the mountains of the Andes to the Jungles of the Amazon to the oceans of Bali. This inspired me to become a bodyworker and an energy healer. I became a licensed Massage Therapist in 1995 and have been an educator of Neuromuscular & Myofascial certification through the state of Florida. I am a teacher in Integrated Energy Therapy, a Theta Healing practitioner, helping others to connect to the healing angels to release the issues from their tissues.  I am also an Akashic Record Reader, an Oracle and a New Paradigm Priestess.

I have also recently completed Level 1 training with Star Magic Healing, facilitating healing on a quantum level.  I practice meditation and mindfulness everyday and have reached a state of balance, inner peace and clarity of mind.  I continue the journey of my own personal inner healing as well as helping others with theirs. So take a breath-relax-let your mind quiet and your heart calm-allow your Spirit to take a Journey with me and prepare to blossom into the fullness of you.  

With compassionate love and Priestess Blessings

Malinda Starr

Awaken the Priestess Within level 1 Priestess Training Initiation. Tools for the Path of the New Paradigm Priestess.

Learn the transformative power of working with Goddess Archetypes.

YES! I want to join the waitlist for the Awaken the Priestess Within  Level 1 Priestess Training.
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