Hello Goddess. I am Malinda and I am here to help each of you to blossom into the fullness of you.

Sacred Divine Feminine Archetypes & my Initiation as a New Paradigm Priestess

I begin this journey about a year ago, beginning with the Seven week Priestess training with Schamet Horsfield. As I came across an email in my junk mail that caught my attention. It said, Awaken the Priestess Within, so I was very intrigued and wanted to find out more about what that meant. As I had never thought of myself as a Priestess, or a Goddess and I really wanted to fully embrace the Divine feminine within.

I was once again being divinely guided.

As I completed the Seven week course, I immediately begun Schamet's 9 month program to be initiated as a priestess. I was being challenged and put through some deep inner healing and clearing work, with each step along the way, I begin to realize that I had been preparing for this my whole life.

It was a journey of connecting to the very essence of my soul and fully embracing all of me with unconditional love, self worth, and a deep appreciation for the magic of my life.

During my Priestess training I embarked on a journey to Egypt to fully embrace and connect with Goddess Isis, Goddess Sekhmet, Goddess Hathor, and the God Ra, and the God/Goddess within me. I have begun working with Mary Magdalene, Christ Consciousness, and many Archangels who have been guiding and protecting me my whole life. We all have many spirit guides, Master's, teacher's, angels, and ancestors who are with us guiding and protecting us, we just have to ask for their help and connect with them. I am here to hold sacred space of unconditional love and help guide each of you are ready to awaken, align, transform and shine, so you can radiate the light of unconditional love.

It was a very honoring and powerful heartfelt initiation ceremony, one I will never forget.

This initiation would prepare me for the next step of my journey, that of a spiritual teacher, guide and someone who is ready to be seen and heard.

Becoming the teacher of Awaken the Priestess within, was divinely guided by the Goddess, and I am super excited to be embracing and working with the Goddesses, helping people to blossom into the fullness of awakening, aligning, transforming and shinning, being the best they can be for themselves, their families, friends and community as a whole.

When I speak about the Goddess know that their are many aspects to the name, God, Divine Spirit, Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is, Source and so many others. Whatever name you connect with, is preciously the one, you should use. There is no right or wrong, there just is. So shall it be.

Embracing the Goddess within myself has lead to being in service with unconditional love, patience, compassion, empathy for all who I am blessed to be a part of their lives.

I am truly grateful for all the incredible teacher's, guides, my children and grandchildren, that have been with me through out my journey and all the Goddess Archetypes, Angels that work with me and channel through me in order to consciously create the teachings of Awaken the Priestess Within.

With Love and Gratitude

My Awakening story...

Started in 1994 and has been progressing ever since. I was a suburban housewife, living in the Bible Belt of North Carolina, studying Psychology and working for the Planter's life Saver company. One day I begin to feel this intense pulling in my gut. At first I had know idea what was happening to me, but instinctivelyI knew it was time. But what I didn't know was, time for what,? what was I suppose to do. Should I seek a psychic or somebody that could tell me what it was time for. As the voice within me got louder, I knew what I needed to do, and it wasn't going to be easy. I needed to divorce my husband and follow my inner guidance and move back to Tucson my birth place. There I met a man that was so familiar to me, and I looked up to God and told him that I wasn't ready, there was a part of me that understood and a bigger part of me that didn't. This man looked like something out of a Wild Wild West movie. He woke me up to learning about energy, past lives, karma, and power, as he used his power to keep me locked in an invisible web, with physical abuse. As he knew my power was greater than his, which I had no idea. As my world was crumbling around me. I met a Native American women who did Akashic Readings, who enlightened me to a whole other world. After several readings with her, it propelled me with great strength forward to leave this man and move to Florida.

In Florida I became a Licensed Massage Therapist and began a spiritual path of seeking knowledge and healing, for myself, and others. I took every class I could from past life regression, meditation, intuition, manifestation, psychic abilities and many , many more. I was also reading every self help, and spiritual book I could get my hands on. Yet something was still missing. As I was doing a training for my hot stone massage certification, I received a Shirodhara treatment, which unblocked a deep trauma that I had no idea existed. I discovered that I had been sexually molested as a child starting at the age of 5. Well, all the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place of how I was conducting my life, and the choices I was making.

It was now time to dig deep and heal the traumas and wounds that were buried deep within, blocked and completely forgotten about. It is never easy facing the darkness the unknown the past of buried memories. But I was determined, as I sought medicine ceremonies from the mountains of the Andes to the Jungles of the Amazon to the oceans of Bali. Still something was missing, all the classes and studying I still was not able to see, to hear, to connect with spirit, with my guides. Where was the key that opened the door to that world. So many others seem to have found the key, what was it, where was it. I could feel energy but It was hard to trust what I was feeling, to fully trust my intuition. As many thought I was crazy with my woo woo predictions. But I didn't let that stop me, it just propelled me to seek more and to find the key that would unlock everything.

I finally found the key in 2017, when I was chosen to attend the advanced program with Sadhguru and 750 other people. It was and incredible four day experience, which opened my heart. There was the key that I had been looking for. I had no idea that my heart was blocked, as I considered myself a very loving and giving person. But I was very protective of my heart, I learned that I wasn't loving myself, did not feel worthy of being loved. Deeper pieces of the puzzle to heal. As I begin to expand my heart filling it with love, it blossomed into a beautiful universe that I could now see, hear and connect to spirits and become a channel of pure light and love. Bringing messages to those through Akashic Readings and Healing Angels of IET and now through Quantum Energy Healing.

As my spiritual growth and my self healing journey continued I was becoming lighter and lighter embracing all of me with clarity of mind and a deep sense of inner peace, emotional freedom and a knowing of who I truly am. Taking me to the next challenge of my life, the loss of my son. This day occurred in March 2021, nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child, even though my son was 38 he was still my child. As I spent five months caring for him and watching him decline until he took his last breath in my arms. When he was born, I had a deep inner knowing that he would never make it to 40, I pushed this feeling deep within and never told anyone. I could only hope that it wouldn't be true, I was always denying my inner knowing.

With the loss of my son, my life as I knew it, was coming to an end. As I ended my relationship, I lost one of my best friend's (my husky). I closed my thriving practice, sold my home, became a Master Teacher in IET (Integrated Energy Therapy). Completely surrendering to the unknown with absolute faith and trust. I jumped and bought a house site unseen, in the Catalina Foothills of Tucson Arizona, and completely remodeled the entire home by myself, all in two years. I threw myself into a sacred cocoon of healing the pain.

Emerging from my scared cocoon my shell cracking wide open cleansing the depth of my soul releasing the pain held deep within feeling lighter with a higher vibration experiencing a deep connection to all of life. Walking the path of my own heart, loving myself unconditionally. I begin creating a healing retreat, Desert Starr for those who wish to relax, rejuvenate to heal your mind, body, and spirit to let go and surrender to the very core of your being, blossoming into the fullness of your divine light radiating for all to see. Completely embraced with unconditional love.

I then completed a nine month priestess training with Schamet Horsfield of Awaken the Priestess within, who was divinely guided to pass the torch to me. After a year, it is with great excitement and honor to be bringing these teachings of the Priestess Path to all of you who are ready to Awaken, Align, Transform and Shine. To step fully into the fullness of you, a super amazing being of unconditional love with a pure connection to the Divine God/Goddess in you and all around you.

Love ,Light,Ease, Grace and Gratitude

Malinda Starr

Malinda Starr

I was born in Tucson Arizona with my roots deep in the land of the Native Americans. I begin walking the path of awakening in 1994, with a very strong inner knowing that it was time to begin, I just didn't know what it was I was to begin. I came to understand that I was being prepared for my spiritual journey.

I worked my way to having my own healing practice after experiencing working for small to large spas from 1995 to 2010. I opened my own massage practice in 2010. Propelling me with courage and wings to fly, as I created a thriving practice by word of mouth, understanding that I had the gift of touch, adding my spiritual wisdom and passion, filling each and everyone with unconditional love and healing.

I believe that I have walked the path of the priestess for many lifetimes, but never fully believing that I was a priestess/goddess in this life, but wanting to embrace the divine Feminine within. After seeking the path of Awakening the Priestess within. I was initiated as a Priestess in Tucson Arizona in 2024 by Schamet Horsfield. Schamet was divinely guided to pass the torch of Awaken the Priestess Within to me. I fully accepted the torch with open heart, love and gratitude, and I look forward to bringing these teachings to each and everyone who is ready to step fully into their Divine Sacred power.

I continue to practice Sacred Ceremony in my personal and professional life. After 30 years of practice and studies from many modalities and seeking my own healing and clearing my deep roots of trauma. I lost my son in 2021, propelling me to completely surrender with the upmost faith and trust, letting go of everything I worked so hard to achieve. I found myself being called back to the land, coming full circle to my roots of Tucson, Arizona to my heritage of the Native Americans. I went into a sacred cocoon of healing and I begin to alchemize and transform the pain into creating a healing retreat, Desert Starr. Where my life purpose came together as I had been preparing for this my whole life. To bring all my spiritual wisdom and my own awakening transformation and healing to many others as I deeply care about holding sacred space for healing, teaching, being in service of unconditional love, and bringing transformation to all those who are ready to Awaken, Align, Transform and Shine.

My vision is to create retreats and online classes for others to heal and to be in service, holding sacred space of unconditional love by guiding others to blossom into the fullness of their divine self. As I have blossomed and awakened to my divine feminine self, truly embracing all of me. I continue to be consciously co-creating my life of love and magic, reaching for new heights each and every day.as

I am passionate about love, a deep heartfelt love, and I long to one day fall madly, deeply in Love. I have manifested many things in my life but I have yet to manifest my life partner with divine timing. As I was asking the Goddess why I have never been in love. This is the message I received, and I would love to share it with you.

You have been in love with life itself. Wanting the best and seeing the best in every being opening your heart to the infinite possibilities of life and beyond the illusions of this reality. Being in love doesn't just exist with another, but in all of life. You are the embodiment of this love, that radiates from your being with every step you take, remember who you are, embracing and being the vehicle in which love dwells. When you altar from who you are, take a breath open your heart and radiate through your smile, your heart, your wisdom, and shine your light, transmute any ill thoughts into absolute love for all. Be the lighthouse in the ocean of lost souls.

So when you think you don't have something, or you are lacking something, it may just be right in front of you disguised in another way.

Go and consciously create the magic of your life of your greatest desires, and love fully as it is all around you.

With Priestess Love, Grace and Gratitude

Malinda Starr


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