If you are ready to
consciously create a life of your wildest dreams, I invite you to book a complimentary 45 minute clarity connection call below.
With love and abundant blessings,
Schamet Horsfield
45 minutes: FREE
I would love to meet up with you and answer any questions you might have. I understand it's important for you to make sure I am the person you would like to work with. Alignment is everything. I very look forward to meeting you soon and it is my pleasure to answer any questions you might have about my workshops and/or 1:1 sessions.
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
I help my soul clients become more aware of their self-limiting beliefs, patterns, and negative self-talk so that they can become more aware of what may be blocking them. Together I guide this journey of self-discovery in a supportive, loving, and safe way that connects them to their true authentic self. I offer tools in which then can be utilized to create new beliefs, new patterns, and empower my soul clients to consciously create the life they want to live on all levels.
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
Are you ready to meet/connect to your angels, guardians, guides and spirit helpers?
In this session, Schamet acts as your guide and channel in order for you to connect with your angels, guardians and guides and hear what message they may have for you. Schamet clears your energetic field and creates safe and sacred space so you can hear them and also connect you to your higher self so you may align to your soul path purpose with alignment and clarity.
This is a channeled session.
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
Schamet is a healer and trained energy/lightworker/shadow worker whose focus is working with the energy body.
Schamet helps guide you to clear and balance your chakras and also gives you the tools to do this for yourself.
Due to Schamet's clairvoyance often messages come through. Schamet is gentle and respectful with her approach to healing and will always check in with you to make sure you are open to receive the messages.
Schamet is also able to see into shadow and blindspots when may have been getting in your way. If you would like to see into your shadow so that you can move forward and live your best life.
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
When we experience trauma in childhood these traumas/programs/memories/beliefs and energy can get lodged in our body/our mind, our soul and create ways of reacting that create abundance blocks as well as patterns that keep us stuck in old patterns.
Inner child healing has been the most powerful healing journey and discovery to unlock more and more of my own potential and abundance.
This is a guided journey and very powerful! The results are incredible and I personally have had quantum jumps in my own healing journey with these tools!
My soul clients have told me this is one of their favorite sessions and has had a huge impact on their healing journey.
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
Are you ready to meet your life partner? Are you ready to have the career of your dreams? Are you ready to live in your dream home? Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back from attracting more love, joy & passion into your life? Are you ready to step into your power?
I consciously created the man of my dreams 24 years ago and have a thriving marriage that is full of love and passion! Because I have already mastered this journey I can help guide others to find their treasures of intimacy, passion, joy, and true and lasting love!
Perhaps you are already with your life partner and you both need support and tools to re-ignite the spark of passion in the relationship.
I am here to help....as a guide, a coach, a creatrix, and a spiritual midwife. I will be there for you every step of the way in the process of consciously creating the most abundant life of your wildest dreams!
Book a free 45 minute Clarity Connection Call first so we can see if working together is aligned!
Are you ready to awaken, activate & embody the healing power of your own passion & ignite your kundalini life force energy?
Our womb space can hold trapped energy and emotions such as shame, guilt, repressed emotions, grief, and energy from past partners, and childhood memories. It is my first-hand experience that releasing these energies brings freedom, more passion, more pleasure, and allows the creative energy of joy within you to activate and flow!
As women, we are more powerful than we realize and the creative energy which we naturally have within us is like a cauldron of magical healing elixir.
Our priestess power is stored within our womb & holds the creative potential & energy which we can channel for healing & manifestation.
In this private session, we will explore your Sacral Plexus energy, investigate any blocks, and healing and explore how you can step into your priestess power & be the sexy, powerful Goddess & Creatrix of your dreams.
"A Creatrix is a woman who is deeply connected to herself as a woman and the feminine source of creative power."
I offer custom packages of result-based transformational heart & soul-centered coaching practitioner sessions.
Book a clarity connection call below if your interested in working with me.
If you are truly ready for true & lasting transformation and desire to let go of old limiting beliefs, old programs, abundance blocks, or anything that is holding you back from your full potential and you are ready to manifest an abundant life...the life of your dreams. I can help.
This is a 1:1 journey through your chakras, your beliefs, your shadow, blind spots, and an opportunity to update old programs, so you can consciously create & re-write your life story.
Please book a 1:1 connection call to find out if I am aligned for your transformational journey & I look forward to guiding you so YOU can consciously create the most abundant life of your dreams!
Awaken your Intuition and psychic superpowers (gifts) private one on one session
with Schamet Horsfield
If you want or need one on one support in developing your intuitive gifts then this session is for you. It is specifically, intentionally, consciously created as a way of getting one on one support in understanding, stepping into, and midwifing your gifts/abilities into the world. I am here as your spiritual & clairvoyant midwife to help you birth your gifts into the world as well as understand your gifts and abilities in a way you can trust your internal navigation system, become sovereign beings and bring your gifts to the world.
I never really considered myself a love coach until a few of my soul clients gave me feedback that I was the best love coach they have ever worked with! It was one of those Aha moments where I remembered that when I was a little girl I wanted to grow up to be a relationship counselor! I wanted to help bring more love to the world!
My mom and dad divorced when I was 9 years old. My mom then left my stepdad when I was 15 years old. Both sets of aunt and uncles were divorced by the time I was in my early twenties and so I grew up not believing in marriage or lasting love, in fact, I held the trauma of my childhood experience in my body, mind, and soul, for many years. I held the belief that love was scary, dangerous, and not safe.
I told myself and the world that I would never get married, I would never have children and I really thought I meant it at the time. Vulnerability meant I could be hurt and so I kept most people at a distance. My heart was closed and for many years & I closed myself off from truly falling in love. That was an old version of me over 24 years ago before I learned to love myself and attract to me more love and beauty than I could ever possibly imagine!
When I look back I realize that LOVE is what I truly wanted deep down inside of my heart and soul the whole time and as soon as I remembered who I truly was I was able to learn to love myself, awaken to my soul path purpose and attract the kind of love that was not only lasting but that would become a big part of my spiritual path and soul evolution.
I was able to heal my generational wounds, patterns, and self-limiting beliefs, and consciously create the man of my wildest dreams! I am forever on this path!
After 24 years of passionate joy, love, and intimacy in my marriage, I now help my soul clients let go of what may be blocking them from love and attract the partner of their dreams! Because I have walked this path, I have the roadmap to true and lasting self-love & consciously creating one's soul mate & life partner. I walk the walk and talk the talk and I love, LOVE itself!
I also love to help couples reignite their passion and create more love and intimacy within their relationships. I have helped many soul clients not only save their marriages but also to reconnect & fall passionately in love all over again!
Abundant blessings of love & passion,
While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and wholeheartedly believe in the potential for transformations, it should be noted that, as with the nature of coaching, there are no guarantees about the results you will experience.
Commitment is required. No refunds for a change of mind.
As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of happiness and success you may experience.
The testimonials and examples used do not guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.
© COPYRIGHT 2024 Awaken the Priestess Within
Malinda Starr